Microsoft Excel Blog: Tutorials and How-Tos

Post covering sorting, filters, getting started with Excel, Excel functions, subtotals, PivotTables, and other Excel features.

Excel - switch between relative, absolute, and mixed references

Excel - switch between relative, absolute, and mixed references

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Microsoft 365

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Microsoft 365

Analyze Data Command in Excel - Ask questions about your data using AI

Analyze Data Command in Excel - Ask questions about your data using AI

Excel - Easily Break Up Data using Subtotals and Conditional Formatting

Excel - Easily Break Up Data using Subtotals and Conditional Formatting

Excel - Combine the SORT, UNIQUE, and COUNT functions

Excel - Combine the SORT, UNIQUE, and COUNT functions

Excel Sorting Tips with Chris Menard on January 24, 2023

Excel Sorting Tips with Chris Menard on January 24, 2023

Excel Import Data from the Web

Excel Import Data from the Web

Excel - Convert Seconds to Minutes and Seconds - Watch Chris Work!

Excel - Convert Seconds to Minutes and Seconds - Watch Chris Work!

TOP 5 Excel Features Released in 2022

TOP 5 Excel Features Released in 2022

Getting Started With PivotTables - Live on 2-22-2023

Getting Started With PivotTables - Live on 2-22-2023

Excel 7 Easy Tips Everyone Should Know

Excel 7 Easy Tips Everyone Should Know

Excel - Turn on Multiple Filters in a PivotTable

Excel - Turn on Multiple Filters in a PivotTable