Protect a worksheet range in Excel
Posted by Chris Menard on 02/14/2017
Need to make sure your formula or functions don't get deleted along with other information? You can protect a cell range in Excel.
Use Sparklines in Microsoft Excel
Posted by Chris Menard on 02/08/2017
Sparklines in Excel provide a fast way to see patterns at a glance. There are three type of sparklines in Excel: Win/Loss, Column, and Line.
Turn off Outlook notifications and alerts
Posted by Chris Menard on 01/01/2017
Microsoft Outlook's desktop alerts are great when you are working alone, but if you are doing a presentation or one-on-one training, turn them off.
Use the COUNTIF function in Microsoft Excel
Posted by Chris Menard on 12/28/2016
The Countif function in Excel is one of the top 10 functions to know. You can use Countif for text, numbers, greater than, and other criteria.
Using Array Formulas in Excel by Chris Menard
Posted by Chris Menard on 12/28/2016
Array formulas make checking your work and doing complex functions easier. If you constantly do countif functions, use the Array Frequency function instead.