Simple Bank to BBVA USA - Essential dates you need to know
Posted on: 04/03/2021
Simple Bank is closing on May 8, 2021. Simple is transitioning to BBVA USA. The good news is your money is safe. It is already with BBVA. You won't lose any money! You can continue to use your Simple debit card and checking account since your routing number and bank account number will stay the same. You can also close your account with Simple Bank if you want to.
What stays the same after the transition to BBVA USA?
Routing Number
Checking Account number
Debit Card
Simple checks still work
What will continue to work after the transition to BBVA USA?
Aside from continuing using your debit card and writing paper checks, authorized withdraws and deposits will work.
Preauthorized withdraws - examples include Nexflix, Hulu, car insurance
Direct deposits - examples include payroll checks, unemployment deposits, and stimulus checks
How are BBVA USA and Simple Bank working together?
BBVA USA has been Simple’s partner bank for over five years—your money is already housed and FDIC-insured (up to the applicable limits) there! See the image below from my Simple Bank.

BBVA USA has been Simple's partner bank for over 5 years
What changes after the transition to BBVA USA?
After the transition to BBVA USA, you will no longer be able to access your Simple Bank account since it now with BBVA USA.
Simple Bank to BBVA USA - Essential Dates you need to know
April 22 - April 26
Approximately two weeks before May 8th, Simple will email you with instructions for signing into your BBVA account using the BBVA Online Banking and through the BBVA Mobile Banking app.
May 4, 2021
Support messages: You'll no longer be able to send a new support message through your Simple app. If you need help or report an unauthorized transaction between May 4 and 8, give Simple a call at 888-248-0632.
Paper checks: You won't be able to order any new checks (although you can keep using any paper checks you have, even after the transition).
Transfer to a friend: Transferring money to another Simple customer (aka, "Instant transfer") will no longer be available.
Transferring funds: You won't be able to use the Simple app to transfer funds to or from an external account. Don't worry—if you need to get money into or out of your Simple Account, you can have your other bank initiate the transfer.
May 6, 2021
Mobile check deposits: You won't be able to deposit paper checks using your Simple app. After the transition, you can make mobile check deposits into your BBVA Simple Account starting May 12. A screenshot of the BBVA mobile app is below.

Simple Bank going to BBVA USA - Dates you need to know
May 8, 2021 - Official Date of change
You don't need to do anything regarding the change. It happens automatically.
BBVA Mobile app
Starting May 12, 2021, you can use the BBVA mobile app to make deposits.

BBVA Mobile App
How do I close my Simple Bank Account?
If you decide your don't want to use BBVA USA, here is a video on 5 things to do before closing your Simple Bank Account, and steps to close your account.
Chris Menard
Chris Menard is a Microsoft Trainer (MCT) and works as a full-time Trainer at BakerHostetler - one of the largest law firms in the US. Chris runs a YouTube channel with 900+ technology videos that cover various tools such as Excel, Word, Zoom, Teams, Gmail, Copilot, Google Calendar, and Outlook. To date, the channel has helped over 20 million viewers.
Menard also does 2 to 3 public speaking events yearly, presenting at the Administrative Professional Conference (APC), the EA Ignite Conference, the University of Georgia, and CPA conferences. You can connect with him on LinkedIn at or watch his videos on YouTube at