Excel DATEDIF Function | Excel One Minute Quick Reference
Posted by Chris Menard on 10/07/2021
Need to know the number of years, months, or days between two dates? Excel's DATEDIF function will calculate it for you. This is a great function if you work in Human Resources (HR), or any job position where you need the difference in dates.
How to use XLOOKUP function in Excel
Posted by Chris Menard on 09/22/2021
Quick introduction to the XLOOKUP function in Excel, with easy examples. XLOOKUP looks both left and right. XLOOKUP also allows column to be inserted to deleted. VLOOKUP will not look left and right and you can't insert and delete columns.
Outlook Speed Up Emailing by Using Voice Commands and Dictation
Posted by Chris Menard on 09/21/2021
The Dictate feature in Microsoft is great. Outlook has a new feature with Dictate. You can now dictate the subject, add people to the To, CC, and BCC line, and at mention people. Several commands you can use are "add [Name] to email", "add [Name] to bcc", and "send email".
Outlook - 7 Calendar Tips Every User Should Know
Posted by Chris Menard on 09/07/2021
We spend a lot of time in our Outlook calendar. With these calendar tips and tricks, you'll learn how to use your calendar efficiently. I'll demonstrate to you how I use my Outlook desktop calendar to be more productive.
Excel - Find & Highlight Duplicate Rows - 3 Methods | Conditional Formatting
Posted by Chris Menard on 09/05/2021
Microsoft Excel can find duplicates easily with Conditional Formatting. The issue is Conditional Formatting finds duplicates based on the cell value, but I want to find duplicate rows. I use three methods in the video to find duplicate rows. I start off with CONCATENATE, then use the TEXTJOIN function, and finally COUNTIFS with no helper column. To highlight the rows I use Conditional Formatting using a formula.
Teams - Why can't I record? Video call vs. meeting
Posted by Chris Menard on 09/04/2021
Microsoft Teams allows you to easily record meetings. I'm frequently asked, "Why can't I record?" or "Why is recording disabled?" The answer is that you are doing a video call. Most likely, you were chatting with one person (1-on-1 chat) or doing a group chat. A video call looks similar to a meeting, but it is a call, so the recording feature is disabled.
How to use the TODAY function in Excel
Posted by Chris Menard on 08/26/2021
The TODAY function returns the current date and is updated automatically when you open an Excel file. The TODAY function has no arguments. In this video, I'll use the TODAY function in an accounting exercise using Accounts Receivable. You would use the same for Accounts Payable.
Excel Convert Text to Numbers - Four easy methods
Posted by Chris Menard on 08/24/2021
Need to convert text to numbers in Excel? I'll demonstrate four methods in the easy-to-follow article and video. If you need to analyze data in Excel, numbers frequently come in as text and need to be converted.