Microsoft Excel Blog: Tutorials and How-Tos

Post covering sorting, filters, getting started with Excel, Excel functions, subtotals, PivotTables, and other Excel features.

Excel - 5 easy ways to identify numbers stored as text

Excel - 5 easy ways to identify numbers stored as text

PMT Function in Excel - how to use it to calculate loan payment

PMT Function in Excel - how to use it to calculate loan payment

Excel file size out of control? Learn how to reduce Excel spreadsheet file size

Excel file size out of control? Learn how to reduce Excel spreadsheet file size

Margin of Safety vs. Break-even point in Excel

Margin of Safety vs. Break-even point in Excel

Excel MONTH Function - extract the month from a date | Excel One-Minute Quick Reference

Excel MONTH Function - extract the month from a date | Excel One-Minute Quick Reference

Excel LARGE function | Find the second, third, n-th largest value | Excel One-Minute Quick Reference

Excel LARGE function | Find the second, third, n-th largest value | Excel One-Minute Quick Reference

How to Import Excel Events CSV into Google Calendar: Tips, Supported Fields, How-to

How to Import Excel Events CSV into Google Calendar: Tips, Supported Fields, How-to

The Rule of 72 explained using Excel and the NPER Function

The Rule of 72 explained using Excel and the NPER Function

How to use the SUM Function and AUTOSUM in Microsoft Excel | Tutorial for Absolute Beginners

How to use the SUM Function and AUTOSUM in Microsoft Excel | Tutorial for Absolute Beginners

Excel compare two or more text strings

Excel compare two or more text strings

Excel: Combining Unique and Sort functions

Excel: Combining Unique and Sort functions

Excel Report Filters: Tips of creating multiple reports from one PivotTable

Excel Report Filters: Tips of creating multiple reports from one PivotTable