Keyboard shortcuts for Paste Values in Excel
Posted by Chris Menard on 09/28/2019
Paste Values in Excel is an excellent feature. It copies only the value of a cell, not the formula. When you copy a cell with a formula and paste, the formula gets pasted. Frequently, you want just the value.
XLOOKUP function in Excel
Posted by Chris Menard on 09/01/2019
XLOOKUP is the latest function in Excel for Office 365. If you use VLOOKUP or INDEX/MATCH, you are going to love XLOOKUP.
SUMIFS Function in Excel
Posted by Chris Menard on 08/25/2019
The SUMIFS function will sum numbers based on one or more criteria. It is superior to the SUMIF function.
Getting Started with IF functions in Excel
Posted by Chris Menard on 04/23/2019
The IF function is one of the most useful and popular functions in Excel. We will use IF with absolute cell reference in this exercise.