Presenter Coach in PowerPoint - Rehearse your slide show

Posted on:  04/15/2021
Presenter Coach in PowerPoint - Rehearse your slide show

Microsoft PowerPoint includes a great feature or presentation coach that allows you to rehearse your presentation using the automated 'Rehearse with Coach' functionality. Rehearse with Coach is there to tell you your pace, if you're going too fast or too slow. It also tells you if you use filler words such as 'uh', 'umm', 'like', etc., whether you are using sensitive phrases, profanity and also detects if you're reading from your slides - which you should avoid, and instead try to summarize your points during your presentation.

Presenter Coach in PowerPoint

Presenter Coach in PowerPoint - Slide Show - Rehearse with Coach

Presenter Coach works with

  • PowerPoint for Microsoft 365
  • PowerPoint for Microsoft 365 for Mac
  • PowerPoint for the web
  • PowerPoint for iPad
  • PowerPoint for Android tablets

YouTube video

How to use Presenter Coach in PowerPoint for Windows?

  1. Open your presentation in PowerPoint for Windows desktop.
  2. In the Slide Show tab, in the Rehearse group, select Rehearse with Coach. The presentation opens in a full-screen view, similar to Slide Show. See the screenshot at the top of this article.
  3. Select Start Rehearsing in the dialog box. To receive on-screen guidance, which I recommend and do in my video, check that Show real-time feedback is selected. See the screenshot below.
  4. Wait to start speaking until you see Listening... appear in the dialog box.
  5. As you speak, Coach gives on-screen guidance about pacing, inclusive language, use of profanity, filler words, and whether you're reading the slide text. See the screenshot below.
  6. When you're through, exit full-screen view. Coach opens a Rehearsal Report that summarizes what it observed, and offers recommendations. To see the recommendations, select Learn More in the section of the Rehearsal Report that you want more information about. See the screenshot below.
Start Rehearsing in PowerPoint

Start Rehearsing in PowerPoint

Reading your slides in PowerPoint - Rehearse coach

Rehearse coach - Reading your slides

The Rehearsal Report shows:

  • Total time spent in your presentation
  • Number of slides
  • Your pace as words per minute 
  • Average pace over time
  • Originality - were you reading your slides?
  • Filler word like um, like, uh, and so.
  • Sensitive Phrases
Rehearsal Report

Rehearsal Report

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Chris Menard

Chris Menard is a certified Microsoft Trainer (MCT) and works as a full-time Trainer at BakerHostetler - one of the largest law firms in the US. He runs a YouTube channel with 900+ technology videos that cover various tools such as Excel, Word, Zoom, Teams, Gmail, Google Calendar, and Outlook. To date, the channel has helped over 20 million viewers. Menard also does 2 to 3 public speaking events every year, presenting at the Administrative Professional Conference (APC), the EA Ignite Conference, the Support Staff Conference, the University of Georgia, and CPA conferences. You can connect with him on LinkedIn at or watch his videos on YouTube at
